For our generation, we weigh whatever we do on the scale of benefit and loss. A youngster who had just returned to India after completing his education abroad had a similar curiosity. Once, Param Gurudev arrived at the Taavi village (Gujarat) during his vihar yatra. A Patel family warmly invited him to grace their home and stay there for the night. They made all the possible arrangements with utmost devotion. Their young son, who was observing everything very intently, asked Param Gurudev one question in the evening, “Gurudev! For so many years, our family has been serving Jain saints wholeheartedly whenever they visit our village during vihar. My grandmother has gangrene in her leg and urgently needs to get her foot amputated, but even she offers seva so enthusiastically. A question always arises in my mind: What benefit do we get by offering our house for stay to saints? What is the benefit of seva?”

With a smile, Param Gurudev said, “I will answer your question tomorrow during vihar!” Early next morning, Param Gurudev recited the manglik sutra before beginning the vihar. He then told the youngster, “Make a marking exactly around the spot where you can see my footmarks.” Surprised, that boy did so, and the vihar began. Doing vihar with Param Gurudev was a unique joy for that youngster. Param Gurudev’s playful spirit was enlivening the child in him! But Param Gurudev’s silence on his question was only stirring his curiosity further. Aware of the numerous questions in his mind, Param Gurudev finally called him and asked, “You want to know how you benefit when you offer your home to saints for staying, right?” He replied, “Ji, Gurudev…” Param Gurudev said, “Collect some mud from where you made a marking this morning and dissolve it in water. Apply that mixture on your grandmother’s leg where she has gangrene.” 

Amused by these words, the youngster did not say anything and returned home after the vihar. However, even though it seemed unusual, he wanted to try it once. After 15 days, he came back to Param Gurudev with gratitude in his eyes and said, “Gurudev, my grandmother’s gangrene is gone. She did not need to get her leg amputated. And the medicine was none other than the soil blessed with your charanraj.” It is said that the mere touch of dust from a saint’s feet has the power to heal because his entire existence is filled with the energy of his sadhana. And in this scientific age, a young boy’s earnest curiosity had planted the seed of faith in his heart, for life.